Four happy people toasting with paperboard deodorants

Top Aluminum Free Deodorant Myths Busted!

You want to make the switch to aluminum free deodorant but heard some things that have you hesitating. We get it! There’s a lot of information circulating about the ethers. Some of it is true, and...
Homemade Turmeric Exfoliator for Sensitive Skin

Homemade Turmeric Exfoliator for Sensitive Skin

It's a well-kept secret that this vibrantly-colored spice will leave your skin looking more vibrant too.
Women smelling armpit

How to Detox Your Armpits

If you’re reading this, it means that you’re either thinking of making the switch to aluminum free deodorant, or you’ve already made the switch and you’re confused why you’re a little stinky. Either way, we’re here...
Woman smelling Black Spruce deodorant

The Secret to Why Our Scents Smell So Good.

You might say we’re obsessed with scents. We literally live and breathe all things related to smelling good. Our product development team spends countless hours perfecting our wide range of scents, crafted exclusively from essential...
Man in hat standing in the desert in a gray t shirt

Interview with The Makers Gonna Make

The most exciting thing for me right now is continuing to become a company that is as sustainable as possible. The Makers Gonna Make Show host, Julie Bee, chats with our founder, Jeff Shardell. Listen...
Woman holding Patchouli and Copal Deodorants

Patchouli Stinks... Or Does It?

Whether you love it or hate it, patchouli can in fact be enjoyed by all. Learn our secret.
Close up of woman smelling stemmed flowers indoors

4 Ways to Feel Fresh on your Period with Natracare

Real talk, when that special time comes around, you may not be feeling your best. The truth is, sometimes periods can be messy, but they aren’t dirty! This is one of many taboos our friends...
Group of people sitting together and smiling at camera

Making a Difference: How our Humble Brands Team Lives Sustainably

To celebrate Earth Month, our team shares their favorite ways to live more sustainably everyday!
Sprigs of rosemary and mint on a white background

6 DIY Self Care Recipes with Rosemary and Mint

We're celebrating our new spring scent with some of our favorite DIY recipes that will leave you feeling fresh and pampered.