Overhead shot of coconut oil in a jar on a wooden table

The Benefits of MCT in Body Care Products

One of our favorite ingredients helps our products go on smooth and keeps your precious skin smooth too.
Man in beaning hugging woman in the desert

Our Top 5 Ways to Give Thanks

Moving with intention and being grateful for what we have are simple ways to make our lives that much sweeter.
Live basil growing

Holy Basil: The Queen of Herbs

In Sanskrit, "Tulsi" or holy basil means the incomparable one. Find out why.
Woman sitting on gravel path next to red bike lying on the ground

Best Ways to Stay Cool Naturally

Sweat happens. It's part of living a clean, natural lifestyle. When it's hot, keep your cool and stay confident with these Humble tips.
Man Smelling Patchouli and Copal Deodorant

Men, What's on Your Pits?

Hey Guys, what’s your morning routine? Wake up, shower, brush teeth, and grab your antiperspirant? We get it. 
Overhead shot of tea ingredients and pot on wooden table

A 4-Ingredient Immune-Boosting Tea

We found one of our new favorite ingredients can also serve you well in an immune-boosting tea. Get the recipe.
People holding Moroccan rose deodorant

Our Top 10 Self Care Practices

We're celebrating self love with a new addition to our Vegan & Sensitive Skin line.    
Woman using Moroccan Rose Vegan and Sensitive Skin deodorant

Path to Prevention with Keep A Breast

We are proud to support the education and breast cancer prevention initiatives.
Woman in a field of poppies

Let's Talk About Anxiety Sweat

Not all sweat is the same. Here's why stress really stinks.