As the weather turns cooler, it’s the time of year when we turn inward. Deep autumn and winter are a time to reflect on the past months, the year, our wins, our falls, and even our future hopes and goals.
This consideration of the past and future is essential, but an even more rewarding practice is reflecting on the present. Moving with intention in the present and being grateful for what we have here and now makes our lives that much sweeter. Any amount of effort is powerful work for your body and soul.
Here are our top 5 ways to practice gratitude
Journaling and List-making - Be it in long-form or list-form, writing our gratitudes helps to offer perspective and clarity on all of the goodness in your life. Spending regular time in a gratitude writing practice can give you a lasting mood boost!
Sitting in meditation - In the busyness of our day-to-day lives, we rarely find time to sit and be still. Carve out a 5-10 minute moment in the day to sit quietly, listen to a guided meditation, or recite a devotion or mantra. Taking some time to breathe and listen to the sounds around you can ground you in your gratitude for the present.
Small, unexpected acts - Show gratitude outwardly by taking small acts of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and grace. Even if the action feels undeserved, it’s an even better moment to inspire gratefulness in those around you.
Creating something with intention - The act of using our hands, minds, and hearts to make something purposefully can prove to be beneficial in countless ways. The act of sharing ourselves and our creativity with others is an inspiring, vulnerable way to show our gratitude.
Saying it out loud - Don’t forget to say it! Tell those around you how grateful you are for them, your life, and your shared experiences. It can not only uplift your own day, but also someone else’s day (or week or month)!
What are some of your gratitude practices? Do you do them consistently or spend time reflecting on them during certain times of the year? Share the love and pass your favorites onto a friend or family member. We hope our suggestions bring extra good vibes to your day.